The original members of the BBC were British Bikers with a Rocker-esque view of motorcycling. Decades have molded the membership into a diverse representation of British riders. Our membership encompasses all British motorcycle enthusiasts. The single affiliation is that we all ride British motorcycles. We primarily ride Triumphs (Coventry, Meriden & Hinckley models), BSAs and Nortons, with a variety of other marques represented including: Ariel, Matador, Matchless, Royal Enfield, Sunbeam, Velocette, Vincent, etc.. Our motorcycles exhibit a vast array of classifications, from bone stock to the radical.
Evolving from a young man’s quest to find like minded riders, the BBC is now a family oriented organization with husbands, wives, fathers, sons, brothers, and sisters all sharing membership. Women riders make up ten percent of our roster. Our membership is made up of one of the most diverse riding communities you could imagine. The organization offers a network of enthusiasts’ eager to ride or restore. One of our most notable members is “TC” Christenson, World Champion, and AMA inductee drag racer on the Norton “Hogslayer”.
The BBC offers the most advantage to our regional membership. Although we tour national motorcycle events, our events primarily focus on the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, and Michigan. If you are interested in joining the BBC, we welcome all enthusiasts, but please take this into consideration.
To become a BBC member, you must own a British motorcycle, represent the BBC in a respectable manner, and pay the annual dues of $30.00.
As a member you receive a membership patch, current newsletters “BRITISH KNEWS” (with free advertising), and an invitation to all our events. (if you haven’t been to the rally you’re missing out!!!!)
Send this printable BBC Membership-Application and $30.00 for a one year BBC membership to:
British Biker Cooperative
P. O. Box 371021
Milwaukee, WI. 53237-2121 USA
Or, use this Word 2025-Membership-Application fill in form that can be filled out in Microsoft Word.